It's Complete!

Today I am excited to say that my project is complete and ready to show off to the world. I am so excited for people to see it as I worked very hard to get it done. I hope the time, effort, and energy I spent on this is reflected in the product and I hope you will agree. I am proud of the work I did and felt it is the best production I have done yet. The filming techniques I used expanded over the time of filming. This film has a more mature sense to it than previous ones. I think this is because of the topic and view I went with for this film. I went with a more mature topic that gave me the opportunity to act mature and work well with the topic of my film. The topic of the film is something that I have very common knowledge about since it interests me overall. I hope this comes off on video as that was my goal. I definitely learned a lot more about the film industry than I think I ever would have from doing this project. It expanded my knowledge and view of the industry and I now understand so much more. After researching more and more about how everything works I became more and more amazed at how everything works in this industry. It truly had me questioning for more and wanting to know more about all of this. So, after completing this film that's exactly what I did. I went and researched more about how different aspects of the film industry work and it just amazed me. I was just shocked how much just goes into one film. Even though I had a good knowledge I didn't know just how large the production for a regular film is. In the end, I am thrilled for you to see my film. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do. 


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