
Showing posts from December, 2021

My Comments

 Below is my CCR

The reveal

 Finally, I am ready to reveal the finished product. I feel that this is a great representation of my work and ability to produce a short film. But, as always there were things that I could have improved on. However, I feel that this is not the worst thing as this is the second-ever project like this I have ever done. I can see where my skills have improved since the first time I tried this earlier this year. Compared to previous times I took more load of the work on myself and it gave a true grasp of what my strengths are and what are my weaknesses. This will allow me to improve any production I produce in the future. Some parts that I thought were great are how we were able to take the storyboard blog into reality with our filming and the shots that we used in it. This time I noticed how I would be getting nervous while filming and that would come across onto the film to the end viewer. In the end, I felt the person that I worked with did a good job at what they did and we worked tog

Getting Ready to Reveal the Final Product

Today was our last day of editing our music video. So far on day one I edited half of the music video and wrote down things that I felt needed to be done the next day of editing. After my partner arrived I then went and opened my laptop and brought up the editing software to resume where I have left off on day one. We then decided to create another list that we felt for the rest of the video because everyone in the group felt that the more we make notes and the more we saw the original files the more we knew those were right choices to make. After doing that I then went to go make the edits we had on the list. After that everyone in the group was hungry so we all left to have lunch. This took a lot of the editing time we had so we had to eat quickly to make it back to have enough time to edit. Once we made it back, we then continued to make small adjustments to our editing. I wanted to include specific types of editing in our video that I did not know how to do. So, I had to look up an

All of the Clips

On the first day of editing we accomplished a lot. My partner and I talked for a bit and discussed what type of edits we wanted to make on top of what we did for the storyboard.   We then started editing by just putting all of our videos in order into our editing software.   I did have some issues doing this as my phone was not transferring documents to my laptop.   I had to overcome this issue by transferring the videos and audio over one by one for each clip to be able to get it onto my laptop.   After we put all of the videos into the editing software, we noticed how long all of the videos combined are.   I had to then clip out part of each clip to get the timing down to the correct time for the video.   After I did that, I then watched what it was at the time to see what needed to have adjustments done to it.   I then wrote down all of those adjustments and brought it up to my partner.   I then told him to watch it and see any corrections that needed to be made. After we both had o

Moving Along With it All

Today my group finished up the filming we began previously.   Today I had to act throughout all the scenes we had remaining from our previous day.   I grabbed all the props form my car and brought them out to the park where we filmed the rest of our scenes that day.   I noticed while taking the props to the filming location I noticed that it broke while in transportation.   I then had to assemble it and put it back together.   I then took all the props and set them in a location I thought would be a good spot to keep them safe for a short time.   I then had to scout out the area to see where the best location for filming would be.   I found a clear spot with good lighting for filming.   I noticed it did not have issues with other people making it a crowded place or too loud to film as we had previously.     Today made the best conditions that we could have had for our filming set between the location, weather, and our surroundings.   I also brought some actors that did not work in my g

Starting to Put the Entire Thing Together

Today we started to film our music video. I was so excited to begin filming because that was my favorite part of the commercial that I filmed previously. We decided to film the scenes by location to make it easiest for us to get it done in a timely manner. I began by getting together all of our props and putting them it the right locations for our scenes. I had to substitute a prop when the item was broken and not able to be put on camera so I used a paddle to support it. After that, I changed my clothes into something that would go well with the theme of our song that is more upbeat and outgoing. After that my partner filmed while I was acting in the shots. After filming some of our scenes, I then cleaned up our props and made our filming area how it was before we set up everything. I then decided to grab extra props that we did not originally think of for the rest of the scenes that I felt would be beneficial to the music video. Then we all headed to our next location to start filmin