My Script

 Scene 1: 

  • Sean (being played by Aaron) will call Jasmine (being played by Melanie) and ask if she wants to go for a cruise
  • jasmine - Yes, I am on my way see you soon 
Scene 2: 
  • Jasmine will shut her car door - - - she will then say hello to Sean 
  • Sean - Hey Jasmine thanks for coming I was bored and wanted to go for a drive with someone. 
  • Jasmine - Oh no problem I was just bored in bed finding something to do 
  • Sean: Oh you have one of those new electric cars, those are not going to work you can't go anywhere with them. I would never buy one
  • Jasmine: Oh you are so wrong! This is way better than any gas car and I have never had any issue with going places. 
  • Sean: okay let's drive
Scene 3: 
  • I call Jasmine and say - We need to pull over my car is having an issue 
  • Jasmine - Okay I will pull over in this parking spot up here 
Scene 4: 
  • Jasmine - Hey so what is wrong
  • Sean - My check engine light just came on and I am not sure why 
  • Jasmine - Do you have a scanner to be able to read the codes?
  • Sean - I do let me go grab it quickly 
  • Jasmine - Okay I'll be here 
Scene 5: 
  • Jasmine - So what does it say? 
  • Sean - It shows code P3004 or basically that 1/4 of the engine is currently not working 
  • Jasmine - That sounds expensive, is it able to be driven to the shop or does it need to be towed? 
  • Sean - It needs to be towed, it would cause more damage if it was broken
  • Jasmine - Okay do your thing I will be in my car waiting for you 
  • Sean - Okay be there in a sec 
Scene 6: 
  • Sean - Hey tow company my car broke down and I need a tow to the shop 
  • Tow Company - Hey there we can be at your location in about 35 mins 
  • Sean - Okay do I need to be at the vehicle when you pick it up?
  • Tow Company - No you do not as long as the key is with the car 
  • Sean - Okay I will leave the key behind the passenger front wheel 
  • Tow Company - Thanks for letting us know we will call you when we get to the car 

Scene 7: 

  • Sean - Got that taken care of let's go, can I drive your car though since I want to drive 
  • Jasmine - Sure, where do you wanna go?
  • Sean - let's go grab something to eat I am getting hungry 
  • Jasmine - Me too let's go to the restaurant downtown 

Scene 8: 
  • Sean - I still do not see the point of what you think these electric cars are cool for 
  • Jasmine - I guarantee by the end of this you will see what I mean and why you will sell your car 
  • Sean - okay, if you say so 
  • Jasmine - Well at least my car is working 
Scene 9: 
  • Jasmine - Let's go and I'll show you 


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